Burton Team Rider Shelby Taylor

KEI Presenta a Shelby Taylor
Bienvenida a la Familia KEI
KEI Snowboarding

Nacio en Boulder, Colorado.
Empezo a practicar el Snowboarding cuando tuvo 3 años, cuando su papa la regalo una tabla rosada con su nombre escrito por abajo.
Se junto con su primer equipo cuando tenia 6 años, entrenando y competiendo con puros hombres.
Ganando el nombre de "The Flyer".
Gano el titulo de -National Freestyle Champion- en 2006,2007, 2008, 2009.
Ahora Shelby vive en Burlington, Vermont.
Alli estudia en la Universidad en Vermont y practica Snowboard para Burton.
Todavia es la unica chica en el equipo.

Burton \

Transworld Snowboarding
Smith Optics

Un Orgullo KEI
Mas fotos en :

KEI Biker Cary Quintero

 Caribé Quintero Morentín

Sexo: Femenino

Ciudad donde radico: Guadalajara

Tiempo de ser Motociclista: 5 años

Licencia de Piloto de Velocidad de la FMM:

Viajes mas largos: en mi CBR 900 Fireblade (moto que tuve durante 5 años): Mas de 3,000 kms. este pasado año nuevo a Oaxaca, el año pasado a los Cabos, BC. (saliendo de Guadalajara) y he ido a inumerables concentraciones bikers por toda la república y he recorrido gran parte del estado de Jalisco.

Cursos de la FMM y CNV: SI

Corrido en Autódromos: SI (aunque nunca de competición, solo en carreras de exhibición y track days, autódromos como el de Monterrey, Chiapas, Tehuacán, Guadalajara, etc.)

Moto actual: Suzuki GSXR 1000 (de reciente adquisición)

Moto Club: Pertenesco al MC XII Bárbaros. (Mixto, todos harleros y yo pistera y habemos hombres y mujeres).

Organicé el año pasado el 5to. Evento Nacional Chicas Biker en Guadalajara, un evento en movimiento para mujeres piloto.

Actualmente: Soy la Gerente General del CAMPEONATO NACIONAL DE VELOCIDAD GP MEXICO. (el nacional de carreras de motos de velocidad)http://www.motogpmexico.com.mx/

Proximo "check point" Oaxaca!! Rally Sierra Juarez

Fuente: Boletin FEMADAC

El pasado sábado 14 de Agosto se llevó a cabo la cuarta fecha del Cam-peonato de Rallies Me-gafón PAC 2010 con su tradicional Rally Sierra Brava donde las 29 tripulaciones de 31 inscritas se dieron cita desde el día anterior para participar en una etapa de exhibición a las afueras del Centro Cultural Universitario. El equipo Salga-do arrasó en los tiempos y a su vez logro sumar 10 puntos al campeonato ya que debido a la ausencia en las primeras fechas tiene una desventaja al líder de la categoría Open, José Luis Rodríguez y Guillermo López, quienes terminaran en la cuarta posi-ción absoluta. Veinte de las 29 unida-des inscritas terminan satisfactoria-mente el Rally teniendo tres despistes sin nada que lamentar, cinco abando-nos por falla mecánica y una descalifi-cación lo que le da al Puebla Auto Club como resultado un magnifico evento que termino en el zócalo de la capital poblana en una gran fiesta y que ya está preparando, ahora en conjunto con el Oaxaca Automóvil Club, la penúltima fecha del Campeo-nato Megafón PAC 2010 a realizarse el próximo 9 de Octubre sobre una nueva ruta a los alrededores del esta-do de Oaxaca.

Angelo Lozano Mexico

Angelo Lozano recently became the new ambassador for Casio. The surfer from Puerto Escondido will represent the G-Shock series G-Lide, best known for its resistance to impact and which also has ideal surf-oriented functions, such as tide graphic and lunar phase.

“We are really happy that Angelo is representing our watches”, said Claudia Meza, Senior Manager.

For more than 25 years, G-Shock watches by Casio have set the pace in evolution in watches for extreme conditions. They have used the best and latest technological advances as well as revolutionary designs. Today G-Shock and Baby-G are accessories both of well-known athletes, musicians, urban artists and celebrities and of their fans.

Day #1, 10 happy hours in 10 days Still Summer 2010 SF, CA

Darn, I gotta write for this?
Can you just go to http://www.keiphoto.com/ and click in the Google ads?
I did the Math, it takes around 50 clicks to pay for a beer!
Help a borracho in need!

Well report day #1

Everything began when I finished the last sip of Maria's cold coffee,
"I buy you another one"
I said ,when I saw the rage in her eyes!
As usual, she came to my room, yelling "Im ready leeet goooo" and then as usual,, "Oh I forgot something" Then who has to wait who?
Thats when I ran into" P." who I told lets get a Beer!
Promptly he said. Yeah
So plans were changed, Coffee turned into Beer.
Infamous Little Amsterdam, A.K.A Cafe Revolution, where you can get a ticket for drinking a beer in the sidewalk and not for smoking weed.
Welcome to SF!
Beer were drank, conversation topics  from School wide behavior management to the lastest Sale at Ross were discussed.
Maria was annoyed by me calling famous Surfing company in Australia and Multi Rally Racing Champion  Emilio Velazquez in Mexico!
In http://www.keiphoto.com/ we are a family and family comes first!!
As i said there is no much excitement when you are in a "solo" mission
But , what a better place to drink/work by the smell of "patchoulli" in Little Amterdam!
Stay tuned for Day 2 and the begining of the Saga :"Sensasional de Rallystas" writen in spanish by my "Gallo" Juan Carlos "El Flaco" Undiano, leader of the Rallycross championship in Oaxaca, MX
Its a tough job trying to beat the multi Rally race Champion from The Panamerican Race
Juan Carlos Sarmiento.!
P.SWait a minute both are name Juan Carlos, Im naming my next son Juan Carlos!!

10 Happy hours in 10 days... Part II

Hi Dear Followers
I have to give full recognition to JR for the invention of this Tradition!
10 Happy hours in 10 days!
"Los eventos hacen historia, historias hacen tradiciones, las tradiciones hacen leyendas"
But why wait until winter when everyone is about to jump from the Golden Gate Bride?
Lets start setting the tone for this 2010,
 Ill start my own "Solo 10 happy hours in 10 days"
Oh well, yesterday I was with MS and PVF,( all names are omitted by obvious reasons! )
I will follow this "bar hopping model"
 I will "imitate" the lame "model" of those "so cool" people who go to a bar with a Lap Top.
Come on! Bars are for drinking and immature behavior!
Not for updating your Facebook status and brag about "how much fun you are having at a bar"
Just for the record, Im writing this from a secret location at the end of the hallwall of a famous Institution.

Stay tuned for this Challenge, help me out! Remain me my goal!
This is for the sober people, who can not afford a drink after work.
Im also bored!!
Last time I didnt have anything to do, I walked by a Tattoo Parlor and got a Tattoo, The "TAT" looked OK but I got it mainly for my boredom being in the Big City.

I remember JR's intro of last challenge,,
"Will be romance or Bar fights?"
Dont think so! This is a "solo" mission in The Mission, SF, USA
May be; Ill fall in love with the "ESC" key or the "ENTER" but nothing more exciting.
Exciting locations are promised though!

Cow PalaceTattoo Expo 2010, I guess they dont have WI FI, but I can not miss it.
Hells Angels Summer gathering in Vallejo
and  I will Google more exotic locations!

Hey Im Broke,  Go to:
http://www.keiphoto.com/ and click on the Google ads
That will make me happy!

As you know http://www.keiphoto.com/  has covered every corner of the WWW.
Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, Flickr, YouTube, Google reader, you name it,

So stop by!

As my last "sponsored rider said"
"Hagamos carrera, y no la Guerra"

Juan Carlos "El Flaco" Undiano gana la categoria Open del Off Road, Nochixtlan 2010 Felicidades Campeon!

La Escuderia KEI Racing felicita al una vez mas Campeon
Juan Carlos "El Flaco: Undiano por  su contundente victoria del Serial "Off Road" de Nochixtlan 2010
Eres un orgullo para la Familia KEI
Felicidades Campeon!!
Acelerador a Fondo
Cronometro en cero!!

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Oficially my Summer Break is over

Wow, what a great Summer!
But.. Wait a minute, thats what I say every Summer!
Well, indeed, every summer is great, and what makes this summer even greater than 2009 is that we got the chance of working with great crew of amazing innovators.

Mistakes were made, but we learnt a lot from them.
Strangers became friends, friends became best friends, and we created the KEI family!
A disfunctional family but at least family, with all the drama that any family goes through!

Lines and lines can be written about this great summer.. but I want to start thanking ...
-My family for putting with me and the "Frat house"

-Graphix Corporation for believing in me and enjoying Puerto Escondido as much as I do.
  20 + years working in Film making productions.

-KEI Fashion and Surfer Girl Team
  -Pam "La Champ" Verboonen
  -Jade Lovera
  -Jimena Ochoa
  -Sophie Sitges

The KEI Bikini Republic
-Poly Bikini Mazatlan, MX
-Zicass Surfer Girls, Acapulco, MX
-Dkoko Bikini Jaco, Costa Rica
-Morena, Ipanema, Brazil

-The KEI Racing
  -953 Car Club
  -El Flaquito and El Interceptor Driven by Undiano Racing
  -El Depredador Driven by Merlo Racing.

-A great Crew of Master minds in Photography.
  -Rana Chilanga Photo Art
  -MMS Mario Martinez Sanchez
-Video Editing
  -Fredy "Asi es" Garcia.

-Water Photography
  -Paco "Zicshots" Calleja

The list goes on and on, but least but not last God for giving me the motivation of  trying things no matter how crazy, expensive of pointless might seem!
Remember It's OK to be Kook!!
Stay Tuned!

The best Surfer Girl..

Today I woke up, early as usual and I went to check how http://www.surfergirlmagazine.com/ is doing, It's doing ok, but I found a really interesting and well put together article about the "Hottest" Surfer.
Before I was inmersed into the Surfer Girl World (SGW) I would have thought this as a Sexist comment, but spending a lot of time with Jade Lovera, Pam Verboonen, Sophie Sitges and Jimena Ochoa, The KEI Team, I can come to the conclusion that Girls also want to look "hot". Just like we guys we want to look good at the Club or at the Bar..

Long story short.. Great pictures of the article by Justin Cote, I agree in 90% of the choices, But this  are my Top Pro Surfer Girl

Alana Blanchard

The 2 Times Champ
Stephanie Gilmore

Coco Ho